Rail Joiners
New as of Jan 2025 - We have partnered with Accucraft to have them supply us their code 250 slip on joiners in brass and stainless steel. These joiners, while they are made for Accucraft code 250 rail, will slip on to both our code 215 and 250 rail profiles. They are about 3/8" longer than the old type of stainless steel joiner we used to supply a few years back. Please note that the Accucraft rail has a thicker rail web than the Llagas Creek profiles, so you may need to use some pliers to crimp the joiner fins closed a bit more so that they grip onto our rail better.
The Code 215 Nickel Silver Rail Low-Profile joiners are made by a third party, so they are a "generic" joiner for our code 215 rail. The joiners are not specifically made for our profile of rail so you will need to modify the rail by filing it around where the joiner connects to reduce the foot width and foot height slightly. This means some extra work with a file, but the joiner fitting very snug and being able to be soldered is a plus for some and the benefits are worth the extra effort.
Llagas Creek offers both insulated and non-insulated rail joiners for our Code 250 and Code 215 rail sizes. *Code 250 Insulated Joiners are on Back Order while we work through manufacturing issues as of Jan 2025*
Our Insulated Rail Joiners are the nicest looking ones you will find with realistic nut and bolt detail cast into the brown plastic body. Insulated joiners are required on live frog turnouts, reverse or balloon loops and turning Y's when using track powered trains. Insulated joiners allow the block type system of wiring to be used with separate electrical circuits for sidings or branch lines. One advantage of the block system is that you may park or run an electric loco on a siding while running another on the mainline. They may also be used to set up working signaling systems even if you are using battery or live steam power.
Insulated joiners come in packs of 4.
Stainless steel, brass and nickel silver joiners come in packs of 20.
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